Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Speaking in Schools

I thought I left my last student in Uganda until we were invited to speak in the schools of Uvaly.  Jeanne, Hannah and I were excited for students again.  Speaking in European schools would be much different than how we spoke in Africa.  We were told we couldn't present the gospel. 
WHAT?  How do you speak without bringing everything to Christ crucified and risen? (smile)
So, instead of searching the red lettters of the bible for great instruction for the students, we sat in our flat brainstorming.  We put together a picture powerpoint-- one or two photos representing each country.  Each of us would speak on the places that most impacted us.
The morning came for our school date.  We found ourselves being split-- each into our own classroom-- only one could use the laptop.  I revamped the whole presentation in the thirteen second walk into the classroom.  Though I didn't blatantly present the gospel, I took every possible opportunity to give my testimony of how God has blessed me.  I spoke the red letters of the Bible straight out of my heart, "It is better to give than to receive."  I shared how I've been blessed to give myself this year to ten different countries.  I asked how many of them would give the coat off their backs if someone really needed it.  I told them how I've been provided for all year long.  $13,800 being raised, a domestic plane trip to LA, spending money, a domestic plane trip home.  When my jeans were falling off my waist, a squad mate gave me her jeans that fit perfectly.  When all my tops were too baggy, squad mates have given me their shirts.  I've not wanted for anything this year.  I dedicated this year to God and He has truly given back to me.
It's interesting how when you stand in front of others to share what God's been teaching you, not only does it bless them but it strengthens your relationship with God.  You begin to truly realize what a loving Father and Friend we have in Him.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Who Do You Love? Photos

Who Do You Love? Why?

Who do you love?  Why?

These were the 2 questions my friend Casondra and I posed to nearly 20 people yesterday as we wandered around Praha 1, the embassies, and Prague Castle.

We handed out paper hearts, took portraits, listened, and learned from tourists and locals alike.

We received a variety of answers from the usual (family, parents, sister, uncle, boyfriend, wife) to the intriguing (music, culture, ''all of this,'') and the unique (''the Lord''-from Lynda.) This last one was unique in this country that is the 2nd most atheistic country in the world (Estonia is top on this list.)

Photos and a video are coming soon...

...but in the meantime, who do you love?  Why?


Last Friday, a few of my friends and I caught the A line to the John Lennon Wall, which is located near Charles Bridge. If you have yet to visit it, it's...interesting.

It has been around for years (since the '70s) and if you'd like to tag/spray paint on it, you are welcome to--and without getting in trouble with the local policie (that's Czech for all you English-speakers.)

Me with the revised PEACE sign.

My friends in action, writing what LOVE means to them.

I have been learning a lot about PATIENCE while living in Prague, so I wrote 'love is PATIENT' on the wall. Check it out!

There is just something beautiful and simple about writing your convictions on a wall with a spray paint bottle. Now, I don't recommend writing vulgar words or inappropriate phrases--but as humans, as individuals--it seems as though we have a desire to tell others who we are, how we are, what we are feeling, and what we are learning (not to mention a countless number of other details that comprise us each individually and uniquely.)

I wrote about Love, Peace, and Patience.

What will you write about?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Religion in Prague

Confessional Photos.

 If you haven't read
1 Cardboard Box, 1 Sharpie(c), & a Little Patience/ Boldness

read it now! Here are some pictures to go with it.

Unmasking Freedom

As we went to the town square loud music could be heard.  At first we thought we'd run into a wild teen party. 

After seeing kids on stilts, half-dressed girls, upside down crosses, bloody babies on the cross, Satan tattoos, horror masks, teens and young adults wasted from beer, we were told by a young girl wearing a box that we were in the middle of a Freedom Parade.  

Another teen later said this parade was giving people the opportunity to express themselves without worrying what others think.

Wearing stilts is being yourself?  You see yourself superior to others?
Wearing clothes that hardly cover anything is being yourself?  You see yourself as a prostitute?
Having Satan's name written on your arm is being yourself?  You see yourself as a manipulator and liar?
Wearing horror masks is being yourself?  You see yourself as a murderer?
Getting completely wasted is being yourself?  You see yourself as having no self-control?
Wearing a box is being yourself?  You see yourself as being closed off and one not willing to think beyond the thoughts you've always had?

I couldn't stomache the atmosphere much longer.  I felt sad for these people and pissed off at Satan.  This is who we are called to this month.  We are in Czech Republic.  We are called to a people who some have never even heard God's name.  They think they are experiencing freedom but really Satan is just having a field day with their lives.  

This was the worst Halloween movie I've ever seen.  God has sent us to do some work.  I can't wait to see how He shows himself here.