Monday, October 18, 2010

Unmasking Freedom

As we went to the town square loud music could be heard.  At first we thought we'd run into a wild teen party. 

After seeing kids on stilts, half-dressed girls, upside down crosses, bloody babies on the cross, Satan tattoos, horror masks, teens and young adults wasted from beer, we were told by a young girl wearing a box that we were in the middle of a Freedom Parade.  

Another teen later said this parade was giving people the opportunity to express themselves without worrying what others think.

Wearing stilts is being yourself?  You see yourself superior to others?
Wearing clothes that hardly cover anything is being yourself?  You see yourself as a prostitute?
Having Satan's name written on your arm is being yourself?  You see yourself as a manipulator and liar?
Wearing horror masks is being yourself?  You see yourself as a murderer?
Getting completely wasted is being yourself?  You see yourself as having no self-control?
Wearing a box is being yourself?  You see yourself as being closed off and one not willing to think beyond the thoughts you've always had?

I couldn't stomache the atmosphere much longer.  I felt sad for these people and pissed off at Satan.  This is who we are called to this month.  We are in Czech Republic.  We are called to a people who some have never even heard God's name.  They think they are experiencing freedom but really Satan is just having a field day with their lives.  

This was the worst Halloween movie I've ever seen.  God has sent us to do some work.  I can't wait to see how He shows himself here.

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